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Centraal Friesland: bruisend centrum én oase van rust

Centraal Friesland: bruisend centrum én oase van rust
©: Bauke Folkertsma

Between Leeuwarden, Drachten, Heerenveen, and Sneek, the four largest towns of the province, lies the beating heart of Friesland. The area is enclosed and intersected by a number of highways, railways and the Princess Margriet Canal. From here you have the whole of Friesland, with all its variety and variation, within reach.

But the area also has more than enough to offer for a shorter or longer stay. Water sports have traditionally played an important role in the area. Grou and Earnewâld were the first real water sports villages in the province and the Snekermeer is perhaps the most known lake in the Netherlands.

Drachten, Heerenveen, and Leeuwarden nowadays also focus on water sports, but have much more to offer. You will find an extensive range of shops, museums, theaters, cinemas, cafés, restaurants, etc. In Leeuwarden, this is also accompanied by a beautiful historic ambiance.

In addition to the crowds off and on the water and the bustling cities, the area also has a completely different face. Outside the large (water sports) centers you will find an oasis of tranquility, picturesque villages, a beautiful wide landscape, and beautiful nature reserves. The 500 hectare nature reserve south of Aldeboarn, De Deelen, is very special. Just like De Alde Feanen National Park (south of Earnewâld), this area was created as a result of large-scale peat extraction in the olden days.



© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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