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©: FrieslandWonderland

Jannum is a small and cosy Frisian village with an old Roman church built in the 14th century, surrounded by fields and farms, and the river Dokkumer Ee. In the summer the river comes to live, because of big and small ships, travelling through the fields of Friesland. The village has 60 inhabitants and a long history.

The village Jannum is built on a Warf, protecting it against flooding. History records show that it was first inhabited in the 13th century. Its church is built in a Roman gothic style and was part of the Klaarkamp monastery in the late medieval age. Moreover, behind the nave of the church, it is possible to visit the more than over 100 years older choir loft designed with outstanding brick features. While the church was restored in the 40’s, it was discovered that the nave of the church was formerly separated into two parts: one part for the clerics and other part the laic.

Today, the church is adopted by the Frisian Museum of Leeuwarden in order to protect the integrity. Furthermore, the church has changed into a museum and it holds a fine collection of medieval art and religious artefacts. Moreover, surrounding the church there are three small charming cottages, offering the possibility to spend a night in this unique scenery.

In the surrounding area the Klaarkamp monastery was built in the 12th century. It was the first monastery of the Cistercian Order. However, because of the reformation the catholic religion was forbidden and the monastery was closed and demolished. In these days it is still possible to see the remains of the incredible water systems, which the monks of the Klaarkamp monastery have created.

Also, Jannum is part of the legendary Elfstedentocht, which is an ice-skating event taking place when the canals of Friesland are frozen. During the unique ice-skating marathon, the athletes come by the town twice.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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