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Hindelooper Schilderkunst

Hindelooper Schilderkunst
©: Bauke Folkertsma

Hindelooper paintwork art is a special style of painted furniture, walls, and objects. The style is colorful and consists of ornate floral motifs, bible prints, and sea scenes. This type of painting originated around 1650 and was very popular at the time in the so-called "captain’s houses" in Hindeloopen.

The style of painting is in line with the late Renaissance and early Baroque of the Dutch north. This can be recognized by the use of the acanthus plant, the imitation marble and representations from Greek mythology. The most important background colors are red, blue, white and green.

When you visit Hindeloopen, you can be thoroughly informed about this special form of folk art.

© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma