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De Pingjumer Halsband

De Pingjumer Halsband
©: FrieslandWonderland

An intriguing name for an intriguing area. Around Pingjum is a beautiful, age-old landscape where the long struggle against the sea is still clearly visible. "Pingjumer Halsband" (Halsband = Necklace) is the name of a system of flood defenses that protected Pingjum against flooding in the old days. The farmland of the area around the village used to be largely enclosed by the Marne, a winding sea arm that reached as far as Bolsward. A large part of the "Necklace" has been preserved or restored and forms a beautiful walking route.

The area is also intriguing for other reasons. Here is the birthplace of the Baptist faith: its founder, Menno Simons, was born in 1496 in Witmarsum. Another famous son of the region is Pier Gerlofs Donia aka Greate Pier, the legendary Frisian freedom fighter born 16 years earlier in Kimswerd.

Apparently the region is just as inspiring as it is intriguing: the density of artists and galleries is strikingly high.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland

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