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Moederpolder Tzum en omgeving

Moederpolder Tzum en omgeving
©: FrieslandWonderland

Westergo, the area west of the former Middelsee, is home to the oldest dikes in the Netherlands. The first dikes were laid around a single farm and the associated fields. From around 900, ring dikes were erected around increasingly larger areas: the so-called "Moederpolders" (mother polders). From there, the rest of the surrounding area was provided with dikes.

The area around Tzum is one of the four mother polders of Westergo. This is located in the region between Franeker and Wommels, according to many the most beautiful and characteristic part of Friesland. And it has to be said: the landscape is breathtaking! Beautiful views, picturesque mound villages, old dikes, windmills. The wonderful ensemble is completed by Franeker, one of the famous Frisian Eleven Cities and once the second city in the Netherlands where a university was founded.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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