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©: FrieslandWonderland

Even though Hijum appears to be a relatively small village it has more to offer than expected. Located between Friesland’s capital Leeuwarden and the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Wadden Sea, Hijum offers its visitors a close distance to beautiful natural sceneries, as well as diverse cultural activities. Hijum itself originated in the early Middle Ages and still has two churches, from which one dates back to the 12th century and was dedicated to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors. The village furthermore has several activities to offer, suitable for young and old. These include the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day on the back of a horse or explore the nature in the saddle of a bike. The highlight at the end of the day could then be a delicious Frisian dinner in the local restaurant. For nature lovers Hijum offers the opportunity to go camping, for the others a cozy bed and breakfast is available. The annual highlight, which cannot be missed is the village festival organized by Hijum in cooperation with its neighbor village Finkum. During this festival, which normally lasts a weekend several fun activities can be found, which guarantee a great time for everybody. Here especially music-lovers get what they are looking for. Several cover bands each year entertain the visitors and the brave ones among them can even try their selves at “Hijum got talent”. However, what visitors, as well as residents appreciate the most about this charming village is its quietness and peaceful atmosphere. Hijum is the perfect place to break out of daily routine and enjoy a good time far from the stressful city life.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
FYP: Gemeente Sudwest Fryslân

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland