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©: Hendrik van Kampen

Located in upper right part of Friesland is the village Metslawier. Whenever one enters this village, one shall notice that globalization did not strike this small place in Friesland yet. This, together with the quiet and relaxed atmosphere of the village makes it a unique place to visit. The 920 inhabitants are mostly working throughout the day and among other factors, this influence creates the unique, relaxing atmosphere.

The village of Metslawier offers multiple monuments which tourists will consider as tempting. The former municipally capital offers a church built in the late 1700’s. Not only is the church heritage, it also comes with a lot of cultural value for the village. The inhabitants of Metslawier developed a sense of proudness towards it. Moreover, there is a vintage car museum which is certainly worth visiting.

It is strongly advised to visit this small village when one is seeking for a relaxed day out. The town of Metslawier is perfect for bike trips. In Metslawier, one can experience a sense of relaxation which they never felt before, all thanks to Metslawier’s perfectly calm atmosphere.

Moreover, Metslawier is easily accessible by car, public transport or bike. It is only 35 minutes driving away from Leeuwarden and 45 minutes from Groningen city. More information about, among others, activities in and around the city can be found on the village’s website: http://www.mitselwier.nl/.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Hendrik van Kampen