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©: FrieslandWonderland

Oudemirdum Oudemirdum, or in the Frisian language Aldemardum, is a small village situated in the south west of Friesland. It only has 1321 inhabitants and it belongs to the region of Gaasterland. Oudemirdum is for example known for its stones, which you can still find all around the village. Those stones date back from the ice ages. They came along with all the ice from the Scandinavian countries, after the ice melted the stones were the remains.

Oudemirdum offers different attractions for its visitors. First of all in the centre of the village a beautiful church could be found. In the garden of the church there is a well-maintained cemetery with graves which date back to the beginning of the century. In front of the church the tourism information centre is situated which could give you lots of information about the region. If you leave the centre of the village, you could either go the a watchtower which is built on a little hill, to have a great view of the surrounding. You could also go to another major attraction of Oudemirdum, which is the Oudemirdumer Klif. This cliff is a nature area along the coast line of Friesland. The information which is provided at the site shows you for example which animals have been here and which are currently present. The cliff is also a still remaining evidence of the ice age. It dominates the coast of Oudemirdum already for approximately 200.000 years.

Close to Oudemirdumer Klif a recreation centre could be found. In this centre you could have a cup of coffee, having lunch or dinner and for the kids a large water park with different attractions is available. On the other side of the village, a wide nature area with woods could be found. This peaceful environment gives you the opportunity to completely relax and enjoy the nature. Beautiful cows are watching you while you walk around.

The last very important activity for Oudemirdum are bike trails. Next to the church one of the bike rental companies could be found. This company offers lots of different kind of bikes, from bikes for kids, to normal bikes and electric bikes. The price for the bikes is very reasonable and along with the bike you could have a map with a route which shows you all the important hotspots of the village.

All the activities that Oudemirdum and Oudemirdumer Klif have to offer are interesting for different kind of people. As the Dutch people would say: “voor ieder wat wils”. Which means something to do for everyone. The cliff has historical value as well as the stones which can find in the village.

Therefore it could be stated that Oudemirdum is an highly interesting place to visit! Please visit the website of Oudemirdum in order to get even more detailed information!


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Doarpswurk

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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