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Omgeving Jorwert

Omgeving Jorwert
©: FrieslandWonderland

Jorwert is of course famous for the wonderful book by Geert Mak, "Hoe God verdween uit Jorwert" (How God disappeared from Jorwert) Even if you have not read that book, the village is more than worth a visit, especially if you take the opportunity to discover the beautiful surroundings. This is excellent by bicycle, on foot, by boat or of course a combination thereof.

The Franeker and Bolswardervaarts run through the beautiful terpen (mound) landscape, which meet at Easterlittens. Both are part of the Middelseeroute, a beautiful sailing route for everyone who wants to get away from the busy Frisian Lakes. In this area you will find an unprecedented peace, the silence can be heard and it is really dark at night.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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