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11fountains - Bolsward - De Vleermuis

11fountains - Bolsward - De Vleermuis
©: Bauke Folkertsma

Artist Johan Cretin has designed the Bolsward fountain called ’De Vleermuis’. (The bat) The fountain depicts a flying bat in rough and imposing lines.

The fountain is right in front of the ruins of the Broerekerk. One of the most important sights of Bolsward. Churches and cathedrals have a special connection with the bat. They often form an important resting place for the animal, but the bat is also often used as a ’demon expeller’ in the form of stone ornaments and gargoyles.

The fountain will often appear on selfies and holiday snapshots because it is a perfect posing place. The fountain can be climbed from behind. You can make the perfect Bolsward souvenir yourself at the Bat Fountain opposite the Broerekerk.



© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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