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©: Jan Dijkstra

The harmonious but rocking sound of Ureterp.

A peaceful and quiet athmosphere can be found in Ureterp, a harmonious but active village located in the South of Drachten and easily accessible. The uniqueness of behaviour in between the locals makes this destination highly special. The familiar and restful aura makes one feel as a belonging habitat of the city.

Required shops to live a perfect and untroubled life can be found within the main street of the village, stretching through the whole destination. Whoever gathers for finding rest can therefore visit Ureterp and even experience the unique fact that locals provide stands in front of their yards and sell handmade local products for low reasonable prices.

Pay attention, this is not all yet. Ureterp is also special for its rocking sound, emerging from the festival Oerrock, taking place once a year within the summer. A huge amount of people goes there in order to enjoy several rockbands, barcebques as well as the get together with all locals. Herewith, tourists are likely to be seen and everybody celebrates to a wide extend.

If you are looking for an adventure during the high season, you can also take part in the annual Boot Camp whereas young and old join in order to raise their fitness. The major sportsgym and the natural resources surrounding the village have great potential to be used for sportive activities.

Ureterp offers the perfect balance between the enjoyment of people and the preservation of antique and worthy historic features.

Please feel free to visit Ureterp and experience the village to its fullest potential. For more information you can find the recommended links below: http://oerrock.nl/ http://www.oerterp.nl/


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Jan Dijkstra