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Oudega (Gaasterlân Sleat)

Oudega (Gaasterlân Sleat)
©: Jan Dijkstra

Oudega is a small village located in a beautiful area in Friesland. The village is situated in an open area, allowing a beautiful view of its surroundings, nearby you will find a lake called ‘de Fluessen and the ‘IJsselmeer’. But it’s is not only the beautiful surrounding that make Oudega so special. The village church ‘Johannes de Doper kerk’ is a historic monumental church, the bell in the bell tower is also monumental, at the graveyard you find war graves of people who died in the World War II. The village further offers a bed and breakfast, with two rooms where you can stay comfortably, during your time in Oudega and a campsite located just outside the village. Because of its location in the vicinity of the water and the cycling track network in the area and the whole of Friesland, Oudega is an ideal destination to explore not only the village but also the surrounding area, per foot, bicycle or per boat even. If you want to spent time in the village itself, you can visit the pig farm ‘De Knorhof’, where you can watch the pigs and their piglets or you can contact ‘Tusken Bosk & Mar’ a farm where they make sheep’s cheese, and arrange a visit. For the contact details of the mentioned accommodations and activities you can visit www.gaasterandpromotion.nl


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Jan Dijkstra
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