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11fountains - IJlst - Onsterfelijke Bloemen – Rikka

11fountains - IJlst - Onsterfelijke Bloemen – Rikka
©: Bauke Folkertsma

The fountain in IJlst is a tad hard to find. As a tourist you quickly look for it near to the central city canal that cuts IJlst in two. After a short search, you will find the fountain diagonally opposite the Rat sawmill.

The area around this historic mill has recently been refurbished and completely redesigned. The results are impressive! The beautiful fountain, together with the mill and the accompanying wood museum, make a piece of IJlst that many IJlster will be proud of.

The fountain was designed by artist Shinji Ohmaki. He refers with the fountain to the Japanese flower arrangement art called Ikebana and thereby symbolizes the relationship between people, nature, and culture.



© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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