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In en rond Leeuwarden

In en rond Leeuwarden
©: FrieslandWonderland

Leeuwarden: one of the Frisian Eleven Cities, starting and finishing place of the famous Elfstedentocht (Eleven Cities Ice skating Tour) and not for nothing more than 500 years the capital of Friesland. The long and rich history can still be felt and is visible in many places in the city. At the same time, Leeuwarden is a modern and lively city, thanks in part to the presence of various institutions for secondary and higher education and around 20,000 students. The city has a lot to offer in terms of art and culture, film, music, new media, shopping, going out, etc.

But don’t just limit yourself to the center. Around it are several nice neighborhoods that are interesting from the city planning and architectural point of view. Here and there you can still recognize the hamlets and villages that have been swallowed up by the city over time.

And if you go a little further, you will soon witness the beautiful Frisian landscape: endless views, mounds, ancient churches, picturesque villages, windmills, old dikes. (text to be continued)



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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