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Noordoost Friesland: Wadden, wouden en terpenland

Noordoost Friesland: Wadden, wouden en terpenland
©: Hendrik van Kampen

The northeast of Friesland is the example of what Germans so aptly call a "Geheimtipp". The area is still largely undiscovered, very varied and offers something for everyone. What more do you want!

Nowhere in Friesland will you find an area with so much variation in landscape and nature: the unique, semi-open landscape of the Northern Frisian Forests (designated as National Landscape) with adjacent National Park De Alde Feanen; the vast "terpen" area with its beautiful views; Lauwersmeer National Park; and, just around the corner’ the spectacular Wadden Sea World Heritage Site and the wonderful islands of Schiermonnikoog and Ameland.

Northeast Fryslân is an area where you can really experience peace and quiet. Cycling, walking, sailing or just lazing around. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes and unique nature reserves. Taste the rich cultural history, which is shown in, among other things, the 20 (!) Smaller and larger museums in the area.

But it’s not just peace and quiet. The area also offers plenty of activity for young and old: sailing, (kite) surfing, the largest climbing park in Europe and many fun and spectacular events. And Dokkum, one of the famous Eleven Cities, is a bustling center, especially during the tourist season. In a beautiful historic ambiance, you will find lots of beautiful, nice and surprising shops, cozy terraces and attractive restaurants.



© Foto voorblad: Hendrik van Kampen
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    Bijna 8 kilogram aan kennis over Friesland! Wees er snel bij want op is op.

    De Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân is een onmisbare aanvulling in de boekenkast voor iedereen die gek is van Fryslân en meer wil weten van deze provincie. Op 15 september 2016 verscheen de vierdelige encyclopedie die rond de 3000 pagina’s telt, 11.000 trefwoorden bevat en ruim 8 kilo weegt. De encyclopedie staat bomvol actuele kennis over Fryslân en is een echte pageturner geworden.

    Voor al diegenen die dit standaardwerk over Fryslân altijd al hadden willen hebben! Nu voor een wel heel speciaal prijsje! Maar let op! Op = Op!