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©: FrieslandWonderland

Thinking of a beautiful day in silence and a beautiful landscape? Visit Buitenpost, here you can find the combination of a bleary little town with little stores and the breathless pure nature. Buitenpost is easily accessible by train and by car, also there are some bus stops located in the village.

When walking through Buitenpost, a lot of cultural heritage can be visited, like the Maria church, a church from the 15th century located in the middle of the town.

Another possibility is to visit ‘’De Kruidhof’, which is a botanical garden with a huge variety of plants. The botanical garden is opened during the spring and summer months. More information of this botanical garden can be found on www.dekruidhof.nl.

The third place to visit is the windmill, when visiting this you will enjoy the amazing view of the windmill surrounded by meadows. This windmill has been restored in 1994 but is still unique because it has been replaced from Groningen to Buitenpost.

Another option is to visit the ice age museum with all kind of objects from the ice age. The museum also provides information for a longer stay in the region of Buitenpost, it is possible to stay at a bed & breakfast or a hotel, try the local products and visit the recommended restaurants. Are you interested in a longer stay in and around Buitenpost and be able to visit all the locations? Visit www.ijstijdenmuseum.nl for detailed information.

When you visited these interesting locations it is really pleasant to walk around the edge of the village and in the village as well, have a look at the surrounding meadows, old houses/farms, visit the local shops and enjoy a drink at the terrace, which you can find on the town square, which makes it an unique experience for the reason that this is the heart of the village. Curious?! Come and enjoy your time in Buitenpost!


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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