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©: FrieslandWonderland

Have you ever tried to explore a city and get back home more tired than you were when you arrived? If the answer is yes, than you should start considering the beautiful rural landscape of Friesland starting from Goutum! The location of the village makes it one of the most appealing for visitors because it is the closest to the capital city of the province, Leeuwarden and it combines the city view on one side and the rural landscape of Goutum. The most important things you are missing right now are a little bit of quietness and time to relax. Why not start from Goutum? When to visit it? Goutum is all about landscape, atmosphere and authentic Dutch rural environment. All these can be enjoyed at anytime of the year starting from now! You can enjoy the horseback riding, a walk along the lakes, feeding the ducks and for the culture lovers, the core of the village is occupied by a tall, imposing church which can be of course visited. And things do not end up here. Goutum provides the facilities you need to make your stay here a pleasant and relaxing experience. Enjoy an evening in a nice restaurant trying the best Dutch specialities and take part of a show night offered by artists from Friesland or the Netherlands. Start exploring the nature of Friesland at the edge of its capital city! Nature, quietness, the authentic landscape and the possibility to enjoy a horse-back riding right in the heart of Friesland will make your stay here an unforgettable experience. You want to get to know the Frisian culture and at the same time have an entertaining break from your city? Of course you do! For more information go on frieslandwonderland.nl and book your nights right now! See you in Goutum!


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Doarpswurk

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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