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©: FrieslandWonderland

Kootstertille – The place to relax, enjoy and be free

Do you look for a place to relax? Do you want to escape from your daily stress and work, and find a peaceful spot to reload your energy?

Coming to Kootstertille will feel like leaving everything else behind. With entering the village, one can feel how the world seems to stand still – in the best way! Broad streets, surrounded by trees and neat nature welcome you with open arms.

Few people are on the streets, or maintaining their garden, smiling at you and everything is quiet without any sign of stress or time pressure. On your way through the town you might run into fisherman, coming from their boats at the river, happy about their daily life routine. When going further through the village you will find several perfect spots for a walk through parks, meadows or a picnic. A few shops and supermarkets in the heart of the village provide all required ingredients for this.

Next to this you will find the church! Kootstertilles church is not only in the heart of the village, it also looks like the heart of the village. This heavenly place must be seen, untouched, and surrounded by grassland.

Come to Kootstertille, enjoy the easiness, relaxation and return like a reborn person.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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