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De Dokkumer Wâlden

De Dokkumer Wâlden
©: FrieslandWonderland

The area south of Dokkum is known as the Dokkumer Wâlden (Woodlands). Here is a sandy ridge on which a unique landscape has developed over the centuries. Characteristic are the alder-lanes that form the separation between the plots. The wide-open landscape of the sea clay area north of Dokkum makes way for a semi-closed, so-called coulisses-landscape.

The alternation between open areas, alder-lanes and small pieces of woodlands provides the area with its unique own charm. It is obvious that it is designated as part of the Dutch National Landscape "De Noordelijke Friese Wouden"

The area was inhabited on the higher sand ridge as early as 4000 BC. However, due to rising sea levels, the area changed over the centuries into an inaccessible bog area. From around the year 1100 the area was developed from the northern sea clay area. Across the north-south oriented subdivision, a series of villages emerged on the original sand ridge: Driesum, Wouterswoude, Dantumawoude, Murmerwoude, Akkerwoude, and Rinsumageest. The last three were merged in 1971 into the village of Damwoude. ’Dam’ is constructed of the three initial letters of the original villages.

The Dokkumer Wâlden is a paradise for everyone who loves peace, nature and landscape beauty. Nevertheless, all facilities for a pleasant stay are present. The area also has a lot to offer in terms of cultural history: medieval churches, windmills, the nearby fortified town of Dokkum, the Cihorei Museum De Sûkerei, etc. The Dokkumer Wâlden are ideal for exploring by bike or on foot. Canoe enthusiasts can visit the Valomstervaart, which forms the southern boundary of the area and provides access to the peat area west of the De Dokkumer Wâlden.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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