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Top en Twel en de Lege Wâlden

Top en Twel en de Lege Wâlden
©: FrieslandWonderland

In this beautiful area you will find a lot, yes indeed, a lot of water, in addition to the Snitsermar itself, the countless waterways, canals, and pools around it. So in the first instance it is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts! But also for those who prefer firm ground under their feet, the area has a lot to offer. Beautiful views, entertainment, culture, cultural history, nature, peace, and quiet. A good way to discover the area is by bicycle. For example, you could do a Rondje Sneekermeer

Top en Twel is the local name for the villages of Oppenhuizen and Uitwelingerga, which in Frisian are called Toppenhuzen and Twellingea. The area around the villages consists of a maze of canals, ditches, and lakes. Compared with the nearby Snitsermar and the busy Prinses Margrietkanaal, it is an oasis of peace on the water here.

Along the road that leads through both villages is a work of art that symbolizes ’the three giants’, which, according to legend, are responsible for the creation of three canals in the area. Top en Twel also has a lot to offer non-water sports enthusiasts: a gallery, a number of artists whose work you can view (by appointment) at their home and a cooking studio. Also very nice is the preserved tram house in Uitwellingerga, which belonged to the long-gone tram line Sneek-Joure.

To the east of the Snitsermar are the Lege Wâlden: the Low Lying Woods. Due to its low location, it was long an impenetrable, swampy and woody area. The local peat was excavated from the tenth century, but until well into the nineteenth century the area was still underwater every winter. As a result, so-called blue grass fields developed. The ’Blaugerzen’ east of Akmarijp is the largest contiguous area of ​​blue grassland in the Netherlands. The closeby "Ooievaarsdorp-Akmarijp" is also worth a visit.

A little further to the east lies the rather isolated village of Vegelinsoord, which was previously called Stobbegat and only got its current name in 1955. The village is named after the noble Vegelin family, who played an important role in the development of the area north-east of Joure. Vegelinsoord is located in the northern part of the Haskerveen polder, which was only cultivated in the first half of the twentieth century.

Goïngarijp is a water sports village that is popular because of its beautiful location on the "Goïngarijpster Poelen" (pools) named after the village. The Goïngarijpster Poelen are in direct connection with the Snitsermar and are part of the competition waters during the famous Sneekweek and the boating season. Peace and quiet dominate the rest of the year.

The quiet and friendly Terkaple also has its ’own’ pools called the Terkaplester Poelen. Terherne is located on the northwest side thereof. In addition to being a water sports center, this village is also known for the Kameleondorp Adventure Park. Another classic in this pleasant village is the Classic Ships Harbor. It goes without saying that Terherne is also fully geared to tourism with regard to terraces, restaurants and accommodation options.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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