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©: FrieslandWonderland

Have you ever visited an authentic and calm Frisian village, or have you ever experienced the Frisian way of life? Come to Easterein and enjoy your holiday here.

Easterein is an old Frisian village with nearly 1000 inhabitants and is located only 20 km from the Frisian capital Leeuwarden.

Its unique selling point is the old Martini church which dates back to the 13th century as well as the restaurant-cafe Noflik where varied events take place during the whole year. When you want to dance to Dutch music or go to your first Frisian theatre performance, Easterein is the perfect place for you. Furthermore, it is easy to get in contact with the inhabitants of the villages, as they are really friendly, open-minded and enjoy their life.

During your stay you can relax in the beautiful green nature by doing some hiking and biking tours to other villages around Easterein. While sitting on a bench, it is possible to observe different kind of birds that are brooding in spring. In addition, feel free to ask the friendly and open-minded inhabitants to go boating with them through the canals. This will definitely increase your Frisian experiences.

In Easterein you are able to combine gaining knowledge about Friesland´s history with the Frisian´s modern way of life. Please visit our homepage www.easterein.nl for more detailed information. We are looking forward to welcoming you in our beautiful village.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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