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Unesco Werelderfgoed de Waddenzee

Unesco Werelderfgoed de Waddenzee
©: FrieslandWonderland

The Wadden Sea is unique in the world! The Wadden Sea along the coasts of the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark is an unparalleled dynamic landscape. Nowhere else in the world will you find such a vast and varied area, created under the influence of ebb and flow and where changes are noticeable on a daily basis.

An extensive system of channels and gullies is interspersed with dry sandbanks. Mussel beds, nutrient-rich mud flats, vast salt marshes, white sandy beaches and dunes and here and there waving seagrass fields. This variety of landscapes makes the Wadden Sea a unique habitat that many visitors enjoy throughout the year. The Wadden Sea is an indispensable stopover for millions of birds during their migration. And more than 10,000 often rare plant and animal species find their home here.

The Wadden Sea of ​​the Netherlands and Germany has been a world heritage site since 2009. The aim is for the Danish part to be added.

The Wadden Sea is best experienced in Frisian villages such as Moddergat, Paesens, Wierum, Holwerd, Zwarte Haan, Westhoek, Harlingen or Zurich.

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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