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Middeleeuwse kerken

Middeleeuwse kerken
©: Bauke Folkertsma

Friesland’s enormous wealth of heritage starts with the hundreds of monumental and age-old Protestant churches in so many villages and towns. Most of these churches have been perfectly preserved thanks to centuries of care, dedication and maintenance.

The medieval churches dominate the Frisian landscape. If you are standing in the open Frisian landscape and you look around you, in some places you can see up to eight villages, each with an ancient church that sets the silhouette. The construction method and building materials of these churches differ per region, including the associated towers.

There are large specimens such as those in the cities of Leeuwarden, Dokkum, Bolsward, and Franeker, but also very small and intimate ones such as the monastery chapel in Jannum.

Click here for more information



© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma

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