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©: FrieslandWonderland

A place that invites in every single facet with a host community, warmly and welcome.

Either with family or beloved ones, Minnertsga is a village worth visiting which gives more than the outward appearance seems to be.

It is a region with a population of around 1850 inhabitants which are part of a dynamic community. Located in the northern part of the Province of Friesland, in the Netherlands, Minnertsga can be identified as one of the oldest villages of Het Bildt municipality. Not without reasons, the region provides a hand full old history and culture assets as from former Frisian nobility. Old and young have the chance to explore historical and archaeological monuments that highlight the village. Due to its past, Minnertsga is still characterized by 13 protected and historic monumental listed, which is accessible for public. For instance “Meinardskerk”, a reformed church with corresponding graveyard and an eye catcher of the city.

This place will enchant with its charming atmosphere and cultural assets that allows walking around and finding their relaxation and inspiration. Moreover, it also offers the possibility to become active and engaged into the lively and dynamic place. Sport activities such as biking, soccer, tennis and hiking are just a few possibilities to mention. This in particular balances the idea of a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere combined with a good mix of event enjoyment. A yearly so called ‘’dorpsfeest’’, which is a local celebration that takes places in the city and attracts most of the citizens of Minnertsga. The village celebrates with decorated wagons which come with competition activities. A perfect opportunity to experience the culture life and live it.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Doarpswurk

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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