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©: FrieslandWonderland

Small but nice
Terkaple is a duo village together with Akmarijp. The village only has 200 inhabitants! Terkaple is located near Terkaplesterspelen and the lake of Sneekermeer.

The name of the village comes from the history of a chapel. This chapel belongs to the church of Oldeboorn. Terkaple has a campsite with own harbour.

Walking along the 'Lege Wâlden'
Within the village is organized a walk of 30 km every year. The route goes through a nature area called 'Lege Wâlden', a beautiful water area between Terherne and Joure. The route takes you along the shores of the lakes of Sneekermeer and the Goïngarijpser Poelen. You will be supported by musical bands along the road.

Terkaple is centrally located between Joure, Sneek and Akkrum.
• Do you want to enjoy the environment of Terkaple? Rent a canoe at the campsite or enjoy the sunset on the Frisian lakes.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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