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©: Bauke Folkertsma

Sloten, the star of the Frisian Elfsteden. Out of all the Frisian Elfsteden, Sloten is preserved best, which makes it the most authentic city of Friesland. It actually gives you the feeling of travelling back in time!

Sloten is one of the smallest cities of the Netherlands, as it only has about 700 inhabitants and used to be an important city. Furthermore, due to its location between two important trade routes, it was able to prosper well.

The past can still be felt everywhere nowadays. The historic atmosphere is also emphasised by the fact that Sloten has been kept almost entirely car-free. This gives people the possibility to stroll through the peaceful city, admire the old houses of the 17th century or enjoy the view of the precious landscape.

There is also a lot to do in Sloten. Each year numerous events take place in the city. The former town hall was transformed into a museum and nowadays hosts an exhibition about Sloten’s history. Furthermore, there are many nice shops to spend time in.

It is recommended to schedule a longer stay in Sloten, as only this gives you sufficient time to visit the IJsselmeer and get to know the beautiful surroundings and the city itself.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Tekst: FrieslandWonderland © Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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