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©: Bauke Folkertsma

Veenklooster - Worth a visit

Are you seeking to experience an authentic Dutch village welcoming you with a familial atmosphere? Then let Veenklooster captivate you and your family. With its friendly and open minded inhabitants as well as its unique natural surrounding Veenklooster succeeds to create a calm, relaxing and comfortable feeling for everyone visiting. The unique streekdorp invites all its visitors to explore the medieval cloister Van Fogelsangh with its beautiful art gallery and museum. The untouched nature as well as the various animals contribute to the uniqueness of Veenklooster. When first entering the village by driving through the beautiful alley, you will be surprised what a small village like Veenklooster has to offer to its visitors. Walking through the streets of Veenklooster one can witness several out of 110 inhabitant following their daily routine. Some are gardening in the yards and children are enjoying themselves on the streets.

Veenklooster is worth a visit, but come and see for yourself.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma