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©: FrieslandWonderland

Oostmahorn and Esonstad, the centres of recreation and water sports

Are you seeking for peaceful and idyllic natural landscapes where recreational dreams come true? Then Oostmahorn and Esonstad are the places to go. Being located in the Lauwerslands National Park, these two beautiful and charming villages are at a stones throw of the Lauersmeer. Esonstad once being rebuild from the Lauwersmeer as a kind of modern Atlantis, is a holiday park offering more than 250 guest houses and apartments in Old Frisian and modern styled houses to its visitors. Presenting everything a heart desires and ideally for active families, couples and recreation interested people, Esonstad offers great recreational and unforgettable experiences. Imagine cycling along the many surrounding dykes, going for a walk at the beach or just enjoying a massage in the spa. In terms of water activities, Oostmahorn is the center of recreation when it comes to boating, sailing, a ferry connection to the Wadden Island Schiermooikook and many more. When also seeking for some cultural activities and city feeling the location of Oostmahorn and Esonstad is ideal since Dokkum and Leeuwarden are only a short hop. Did you acquire a taste for these two lovely and peaceful villages in the Lauwersmeer National Park and want to get some more information? Please take a look at www.landal.nl


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Gemeente Dongeradeel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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