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11fountains - Dokkum - De IJsfontein

11fountains - Dokkum - De IJsfontein
©: Bauke Folkertsma

The fountain was designed by Birthe Leemeijer. The shape of the fountain refers to the melting ice of the North Sea during the harsh winter of 1963. The shape of the fountain resembles ice floes stacked on top of each other.

In addition, the fountain refers to the seaport city that Dokkum once was and that Dokkum is the turning point of the illustrious Eleven Cities Iceskating Tour, after which the final section on the Dokkumer Ee towards Bartlehiem and Leeuwarden begins.

It has become a beautiful object. The fountain has had a lot of troubles in terms of construction. The choice of the right material and the consumption of energy have cost the necessary headaches and demanded many experiments. That is why the fountain could not be realized in 2018, the year of the Cultural Capital as originally planned.

Dokkum has done a fine and thorough job. A completely redesigned square and an eye-catcher of a fountain that certainly deserves a place in the top three of the eleven-town fountains.



© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma

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