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Sint Nicolaasga

Sint Nicolaasga
©: FrieslandWonderland

Get away from it all.

Sint Nicolaasga is an idyllic city located in Friesland, the Netherlands. The small city with its historical city centre and old church invites tourists to relax.
Visitors have the opportunity to visit the Lourdes Grotte, the Saint Nicholas church, go golfing, or take a peaceful walk to the nearby lake. Sint Nicolaasga is the perfect destination to get to know the welcoming Friesian culture. Through their welcoming attitude one can get very easily in contact with the local inhabitants of the city while for instance enjoying a delicious wine or coffee in one of the bars or cafés in the city centre. The Tjeukemeer as well as the city Jource are easy accessible by car, bike or on feet which make it a perfect opportunity for a restful daytrip.

To experience real Frisian music and festivities one should definitely not miss out on the yearly celebration of the ‘Sint Nykster merke’. The event starts on the first Thursday of September and lasts three days including parades throughout the whole city, live acts and much more. Come and see for yourself!

For further information about Sint Nicolaasga and its events visit: www.st-nicolaasga.nl

Sint Nicolaasga is warmly welcoming you and wishes you a lovely stay.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland